setwd ("~/Desktop/big_data") library(scales); library(zoo) library(FSA) reefcols <- c("#8dd3c7", "#bebada", "#d9d9d9") # Import sediment data sed.all <- read.csv("Kbay_sediment_2015.csv") head (sed.all) str (sed.all) # Set date to date class sed.all$date <- as.Date(sed.all$date, format="%Y-%m-%d") str (sed.all) summary (sed.all$sediment_grams_per_day) sd (sed.all$sediment_grams_per_day) #reduce file to only the three reefs rf44.sed <- subset(sed.all, site=="reef44") rf25.sed <- subset(sed.all, site=="reef25") HIMB.sed <- subset(sed.all, site=="HIMB") summary (rf44.sed$sediment_grams_per_day) summary (rf25.sed$sediment_grams_per_day) summary (HIMB.sed$sediment_grams_per_day) # plot sediment values for each reef #pdf (file="~/Desktop/Sed_fig1.pdf", width= 7, height= 3) #par(mar=c(2,3,2,1), mgp=c(2,0.5,0)) plot(sediment_grams_per_day ~ date, rf44.sed, type="n", ylab="sediment (grams/day)", xaxt="n", xlab="", ylim=c(0,.2)) lines (rf44.sed$date, rf44.sed$sediment_grams_per_day, type="o", col=reefcols[1]) lines (rf25.sed$date, rf25.sed$sediment_grams_per_day, type="o", col=reefcols[2]) lines (HIMB.sed$date, HIMB.sed$sediment_grams_per_day, type="o", col=reefcols[3]) title ("Sediment Rates in Kaneohe Bay", adj=0) axis.Date(1, at=seq(min(sed.all$date), max(sed.all$date), by="1 mon"), format="%b '%y") legend("topright", lty=1, col=reefcols, legend=c("44","25","HIMB"), lwd=2, bty="n", inset=c(0.07,0)) #Statistical Analysis #analysis for difference in sed among all the three reefs reefs <- rbind (rf44.sed, rf25.sed, HIMB.sed) fit <- aov(sediment_grams_per_day ~ site, data= reefs) summary(fit) TukeyHSD (fit) #check for normality shapiro.test (reefs$sediment_grams_per_day) # not normal P<0.001 kruskal.test (sediment_grams_per_day ~ site, data= reefs)